Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Move...

Again it looks like Tampa is leading the voting when it comes to my upcoming move.  There's just so much adult activity there.  It was still mostly between Tampa and New Orleans and Tampa is just cheaper and has more going on as far as adult stuff.  I've already been told about two awesome adult theaters that I plan to spend a LOT of time in!

Now it's mostly a matter of figure out when.  Figuring out what I'll do for a job once I get there and where I'll live!  :)  You know...minor stuff.  LOL


  1. Sati... I can help you with any info on Tampa's adult theater scene. Reach out to me when you have a chance!


  2. I've looked up just about everything I can online about Fantasyland 1 and 2. Even got on their website and plan to sign up to their forums! :) Can't wait!!!

  3. Huuuu ... decide what is "always the best" ... has this certesa ... Luck of eating that will enjoy you ... ;-)
