Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Small Pet Peeve and Advice

OK guys, here's a bit of advice to help out if you ever contact me, or any girls you may meet online.  Don't assume you're the only person in contact with her.  LOL.  I get about 40 PMs a day on Yahoo, about 50 emails a day via FetLife, roughly 10-15 emails through my website, 20 or so emails via my yahoo account, and the list goes on and on.  So, if you are talking to me on, say, the fantasyland social network and I say "you should send me a photo of yourself to my yahoo address."  don't just send a photo to my yahoo address with zero information.  I will have no clue who you are or what the previous conversation was.  So now I'm getting this photo and thinking "who is this?"  so I respond, "who is this?" and they send back a note going "huh?  you told me to send you a photo."  and i say "i tell LOTS of guys to send me their photo."  and after a week of going back and forth the guy finally goes "i was the guy talking to you on fantasyland."  by this point i don't even recall our conversation on fantasyland. tip for the day:  when emailing someone about getting together to fuck, go ahead and include your information, where we've spoken before, reminders of that conversation, etc.  don't just send a blank email with your photo!  :)

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