Monday, June 23, 2014


It has been my policy since I started searching for strange cock that if a person tells me they are meeting me, and then don't, I don't care what the excuse is, I just don't make future plans with that person.

So after last Thu I sent out notes to the people that made it saying "Thank You" and notes to the others asking what excuse they would like to put down as their official excuse for flaking.  I am just curious since I love to hear what all things I cause in life.  I get excuses ranging from death in the family (which I got again from this event) to crashed cars, to fired from apparently just by my scheduling things I wreak havoc on this planet.

Anyway, one particular guy said he wasn't out of work on time (and then proceeded to list the time when he got out of work which was still hours before I told everyone to meet me.)  He said he'd make the next one.  To which I informed him that he was no longer invited to any event I host.  At that point he began calling me crazy names, saying he was a Dom and would do what he wanted, etc.  I responded again with a long, stern, but matter of fact note saying it was a policy of mine and to deal with it and that if he responded again with insults I would just block his address.  Here was his response:

Plz block me you dumb slut    I blocked u.  Ur a waste of a cunt


  1. you go girl! Flakes suck and are time vampires, so don't waste your precious time! Keep fucking those who do show, they will appreciate the experience and you helped create a memory that they'll be able to stroke to for years to follow!

  2. yeah, we have got a ton of real shitty excuses too.

  3. It's too bad that part of the reason you moved from Arizona was flakes and Florida doesn't seem to be any better. :(:(

  4. The main reason I moved to Tampa was the active adult community and the fact there are several adult theaters, including two of the top ranked adult theaters in the country. There are flakes EVERYWHERE. I didn't expect less flakes. What I expected was more response...and I got over 400 replies to my ad. So, that's exactly why I moved! I intend to try again this Thu with leftovers I got from the first ad.

  5. Just found your blog and find it super hot, Hubby and I are following your exploits and love it. We live just west of Lutz in New Port Richey

  6. We set up on Blogspot so we this way we don't have to be anonymous

  7. Awesome. I'm actually in the NPR guys should email us.
