Tuesday, June 10, 2014

59 Strangers Fucked & Goals

OK, I wanted to add 8 to my number from last Thu, but after talking with my BF he insists that one of the guys that fucked me late in the bar was one of the ones that fucked me earlier behind the DJ stand.  So, instead, I'm listing it as 7, which makes my total for the year, 59 strangers in my pussy!

I have also stopped trying to figure out "on" or "off" camera.  It's just too hard to keep track of.  Of the 7 (grr) guys I got fucked by at the bar on Thursday, I can only really make out 5 on camera.  But it's hard to know who is who when the photos are so close-up.  There is some video that he shot too but that doesn't help me with my calculations.  Who cares anyway, right?  The ones on camera get shown off here...the ones that don't, well, they still fucked me and that's what matters!

At this point, on average, I have a new stranger inside me every 3 days.  At that rate I'll be fucked by 120 guys instead of my 150 goal for 2014.  But, I also know that since moving to Tampa that average has gone way up.  I had only fucked 11 guys when I moved here.  So since April 1st, I have fucked 48 different guys.  That's 48 guys in the last 71 days! Way above the average I need to reach 150 by the end of the year!


  1. It's been a lot! I'd try to keep track of the actual creampies, but it's already hard enough just trying to count the cocks that go inside me!

  2. you need to cum to kissimmee....how can i get in contact with you

  3. Gonna be fucking more strangers this weekend?

  4. i sure hope so! Brandon, to get in touch with me, email pyepinky@rocketmail.com

  5. amazing you are can i contact you

  6. anyone is welcome to contact me.

  7. are you still doing all of them bareback?
